Derby Day


Derby Day Clear Round Jumping 

Sunday 24th March 2024

Start time 10am sharp – Open to all

Entries close Friday 22nd March @ 10pm. See below for full details.

Entry to the grounds via top gate only. Please follow parking instructions.

Out of stock

SKU: DDay Category: Tags: , ,


Classes, Entry Fees & Running Order: (all entries are + booking fee)

X-Poles: €10  |  40cm, 50cm, 60cm, 70cm, 80cm, 90cm, 1m: €15 per class

Two rounds for same horse & rider combo €25

Jumps will be derby style knockable fences in the arena (including gates, stile, bale fillers etc.)

Entries will be taken on the day but these will be charged at €15 for x-poles and €20 for all other classes. No discounts will be available on the day.

Please note: Refunds for cancellations can be accommodated with sufficient prior notice but no refunds will be issued after the event. Booking fees paid for online entries cannot be refunded as these are charged by the card processing platform.

Terms & Conditions:

  1. I understand, acknowledge and agree that horse riding is inherently a risk sport and/or recreaional activity and activities associated therewith also carry risk and I confirm that I am suitably experienced, qualified and in proper physical conditon to participate in the said sport and/or recreational activity while present at the premises known as Tinahely Riding Club, Coolboy, County Wicklow.
  2. I understand that horse riding and associated activities involve a degree of risk and danger and such risk or danger may involve serious bodily injury and/or death and in continuing to book this event I accept personal responsibility for any and all risk associated with horse riding and associated activities while present at the premises known as Tinahely Riding Club, Coolboy, County Wicklow.
  3. I agree to abide by any rules or regulations pertaining to the use of the premises known as Tinahely Riding Club, Coolboy, County Wicklow.
  4. I acknowledge that the use of a riding hat certified to current safety standards is a mandatory requirement of Tinahely Riding Club for all arena riding and I confirm and agree that I will wear a riding hat at all material times while in the arena and I confirm that my riding hat carries adequate certification to the most recent safety levels for show jumping.
  5. I understand and acknowledge that it is my obligation to take into account my horse’s ability and experience and I must also take into account other relevant factors such as weather conditions, ground conditions and the presence of other horses prior to riding in the arena and I agree that I will use due diligence at all times while in the arena.
  6. I understand and acknowledge that it is my responsibility to ensure that my horse is in good health and that my riding equipment is in good condition and that it is safe prior to undertaking any horse riding at TRC.
  7. Drinking alcohol or being under the influence of drugs whilst horse riding is strictly forbidden.
  8. I, the parent/legal guardian of the Minor (if any) named in this booking, understand the nature of horse riding and its associated activities and risks, as stated above. I understand and am aware of the experience and capabilities of the Minor named in this booking and I believe the minor to be sufficiently experienced to ride in the Tinahely Riding Club arena. I acknowledge that I am under a duty to supervise the Minor named in this booking at all times and I accept that a failure to do so will not result in any liability for Tinahely Riding Club, their servants or agents.

All persons making use of the TRC grounds are subject to the following Code of Conduct:

  • All gates into and within the grounds are to be kept closed at all times, save for, when necessary, events organised, run by and supervised by the Tinahely Riding Club Committee or its agents.
  • Considerate parking by all users is expected within the grounds at all times, having due care and attention to other users and larger vehicles in the grounds.
  • Any damage noted within the grounds must be reported to a member of the TRC Committee.
  • No dung is to be left in the car park or wash bay.
  • Water in the wash bay is to be turned off when not in use.
  • No rubbish to be left on the premises.
  • All minors must be supervised by an appropriate adult or guardian at all times, whether on foot or on horseback, within the premises and grounds known as Tinahely Riding Club, Coolboy, County Wicklow.

Additional information


Please choose classes below


Tinahely Riding Club

Coolboy, Co. Wicklow.
Tel: 353 (0) 87 16734664